Tic Tac Toe: Day 3

I tried out a couple different ways to alternate back and forth between placing x's and o's, one of which was to include the place_x() and place_o() functions after an o or x was placed, respectively. It got a little messy, and does not evaluate if the board is full, much less if a winner has been made.

I created a short runner function that evaluates if the board is full, and if not, alternates between placing x's and o's. Although I fixed the bug that caused the board to print multiple times if an incorrect board position was specified, I now can no longer specify a position off the board. I'll have to figure that one out next.

Fixed and completed

To-do list:

1. Allow user to correct mistakes if a position off the board is specified, or if the user accidentally hits RETURN before inputing a position.

2. Devise a way to evaluate if a winning board has been created.