Ruby Gems: What I’ve learned so far

What is a gem?
Simply put, a gem is a package that wraps a file or set of files (like an application).

Why use a gem?
Gems are a convenient way to share software. One popular gem is Rspec, the tool I use for doing unit tests in Ruby. I recently turned my tic tac toe game into a gem in order to share it more easily.

How do you make a gem?
In order to turn my game into a gem I had to create a .gemspec file. This file specifies (hence the spec in the filetype) the contents and labeling of the gem. For a more in-depth tutorial on how to create a gem, is a great resource.

How do you use a gem?
Before today, if you wanted to play my game you had to use Github to access my repository, clone that repository onto your machine, enter 'chmod +x bin/tictactoe', then enter 'bin/tictactoe' to start things up. The steps now, assuming you have Ruby 1.9 or higher installed:

1.) In your terminal, enter ‘gem install pszals_ttt’. This will cause RubyGems (the package manager for Ruby) to look at the RubyGems that are hosted online, pull the gem named ‘pszals_ttt’ and install it onto your machine. The gem is now playable and accessible from your command line.
2.) Start irb
3.) Enter "require 'runner'"
4.) Enter ‘’
5.) Follow the instructions to play a game of tic tac toe against a friend, computer, or yourself!